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Your Cold-Chain Solutions

Frequently Asked Questions

What level of cooling performance can I expect from my cooler?

The maximum cooling performance for thermoelectric coolers depends on the temperature of the air surrounding the cooler (ambient temperature). Koolatron’s P-series, D-series, and W-series cooler/warmers cool to approximately 40°F (22°C) below ambient temperature and the P25 cooler to about 36°F (22°C) below ambient temperature.

Can I store ice in my cooler? 

Yes, you can keep ice in your cooler provided it is sealed in a leakproof container. Any spilled liquid inside the cooler has potential to splash up into the cooling fan and damage the electrical components.

Can my cooler freeze contents or make ice cubes?

No, you cannot generally freeze items in your thermoelectric cooler. Commercially available Koolatron thermoelectric coolers do not have an adjustable thermostat and run at maximum cold. If operated in an air temperature below 65°F (16°C), your cooler might slowly freeze the contents or keep frozen foods frozen for some time, but Koolatron’s 12V thermoelectric coolers can’t make ice cubes.

How long will my cooler run on a 12V battery? 

The length of time a cooler will run on a 12V battery depends on several factors, including the age and condition of the battery, the ambient temperature, and the power consumption of the cooler. As a general rule of thumb, a healthy car battery in good condition should be able to power a Koolatron cooler for approximately 48 hours without starting the engine or recharging the battery .

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Our Mr. Cooler app features Custom size storage rental via app and organizing or to view your rented storage on the go, Temperature , Humidity,  Live camera view and more

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